This happened at St. Martin Middle School, a public school in Jackson, Mississippi, on one of its school buses before it left school grounds. Remember: racial segregation was ended at the point of a bayonet on the grounds that it might hurt the “feelings” of some black youths at being kept apart from white children. Consequences to these black criminals? News report says None, calls the lynching “an alleged altercation”! Try to imagine the consequences if this video was of older white boys lynching a small black boy, the FBI n DOJ would have armed men n SWAT teams crawling the neighborhood looking for the offenders. But for one small white child? Yawn. The only question should be whether the blacks will be tried as adult criminals, or their parents tried for criminal negligence for what their kids did. Of course, we know neither will happen because the lives of white children don’t count in Wash DC.
News report:
Comments: This is why every thinking person DESPISES America’s antiwhite media monopoly. The sooner the state nationalizes all privately owned media, the better for society. Whites should all boycott the Jackson school district n demand an end to their taxes that support the school district, along with arrests of all supervisors who should have been present to prevent the lynching. Notice how none of the district reps are willing to make a statement, they are all in hiding because they don’t care what happens to small white boys. And the ‘journalist’ who gave the report should be canned immediately for journalistic malpractice in trying to covering up the crime.
Incidents like this are the main reason why kids bring guns to school. If I were that kid, I would not return without a loaded gun. If I were the kid’s parent, I would be inside the school the next day holding the Principal hostage until every person responsible was arrested, including the Principal. Then I’d set the so-called ‘school’ on fire.
You can complain to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office for its criminal inaction at X under address @THEJSCO
You can also file a complaint at