With the national US elections nigh, this might be a good time to review some of the issues that Affirmative Action Political Hack Miss Kamala (Arabic for ‘perfect’ but the stress would be on the second, not the first syllable, which fact I am certain she is totally unaware of) presents as someone who has never had to meet any standard whatsoever in her effortless rise to power.
Keep in mind that as regards Kamala’s Woke PC Cult, its PC values always trump majority-vote elections, including any executive branch orders that may follow such elections. The PC Cult accepts the results of votes and of any other legalistic governmental processes established by the Constitution only if they win. They then celebrate the ‘triumph of Our Democracy’ and the ‘restoration of our Constitution’ that had been ‘threatened’ by evil white males – but only as an exercise in public relations. Like with the SJW Hillary Clinton in 2016, the duty to abide by the results of an election applies only to heretics and Untouchables, never to SJWs themselves.
This is called Cancel Culture. In its narrow version, Cancel Culture is the suppression of blasphemy by so-called ‘private’ but in actuality quasi-governmental corporations functioning as an Inquisitional arm that persecutes heretics on behalf of the government’s state religion – the PC Cult. In its broad version, Cancel Culture is the globalist Cult acting as a state within the state. The Deep State has been thoroughly infiltrated by Cult members. The struggle against the Deep State, with its Five Eyes (and a Nose) secret relationships among corresponding Cult members in other countries of the Anglosphere, not to mention the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – where the dual citizen Awan Brothers kept backup servers retaining classified damaging information on up to forty Democrat members of Congress – has become a struggle to restore national sovereignty and the true Constitution against the globalist, anti-national, omnipresent PC DEI theocracy and its unconstitutional, bizarre, logic-twisting principles.
If SJWs further consolidate their power, we can expect them eventually to call for making each person’s voting choices a matter of public record, allegedly in the interest of transparency, but actually to intimidate people into voting ‘correctly’. This is part of what is behind the call for ever more mail-in ballots. Mail-in ballots can not only be faked. Every ballot can also be indefinitely preserved. Then the signatures, among the genuine ballots at least, can be leaked to the public in the interest of transparency, or leaks threatened for future political blackmail for having once voted against the Cult.
It never seems to occur to SJWs that subjectivity might be like bacteria. Sure, bacteria are everywhere and it’s difficult to create an environment free of them. But just because it’s difficult to create sterile conditions doesn’t mean surgeons should perform their surgeries in a sewer. With their enthusiastic embracing of subjectivity, SJWs are celebrating performing surgeries in sewers and demanding that everyone else do the same – or else.
Regarding Nature, although SJWs pretend to worship it, they in fact do the opposite. They do everything they can to violate, ignore, contravene, or modify nature. They embrace ‘natural’, but they pierce, tattoo, shave, abort, implant, and bend genders at every opportunity. They want to ‘save the planet’, but they condone environment-destroying high birth rates by blacks. They ban plastic bags, but buy environment-polluting plastic computers by the million. They call for preservation of American wilderness, then rush to help illegal immigrants devastate border states with their waste. They cry for world peace, but happily subsidize ethnic wars in the Congo by buying cell phones constructed with Congo’s conflict-mineral coltan. They want to save polar bears, but scream with outrage when someone proposes saving the children of coal miners in Appalachia. They condemn birth control among Africans, but insist on government-subsidized abortion among whites. They champion the indigenous outside of Europe, but enthusiastically genocide indigenous Europeans. They promote tribalism among their favored ethnicities, but condemn tribalism among disfavored whites. They praise polygamy among dark Arabs, but angrily prosecute polygamy among white Mormons.
They promote gay marriage as something natural, but embrace unnatural late-term abortion and post-birth murder. They preach social control over the individual as part of nature, but in the same breath insist that women should be able to unilaterally abort without regard for abortion’s destructive effects on husbands, fathers, community, or the nation as a whole – not to mention the death of the aborted child. They preach back-to-nature and conservation, but invite in millions of baby-popping migrants who can’t spell ‘nature’ or ‘conservation’ to save their lives, and who will never join a conservation society or visit a national park in their entire lives – even if it’s free. They call for abolishing borders and ICE and the Border Patrol, but live behind high walls and locked doors and employ hordes of private security to protect themselves in their gated neighborhoods.
They fall into a panic at the thought of global warming, but think nothing of flying to Paris like Taylor Swift for lunch in a private jet, and they never ride crime-ridden mass transit like hoi polloi. They champion biological evolution among animals and carefully document their rapid adaptation to local environments in periods as short as a century, but insist that there is only one human race that is exactly the same everywhere and which they claim has not changed in the slightest across multiple environments for 50,000 years – a scientific impossibility. They happily debate which dog breeds are the most violent or most intelligent or most loyal, but yell with outrage when biologists point out that human populations exhibit similar differences in violence and IQ and law-abidingness wherever they may reside and regardless of local environment and history.
The PC values of Diversity and Inclusion have implications far beyond what the Mass Media will allow to be discussed. These values imply that it is immoral to favor genetic similarity. Instead, one is expected to favor genetic dissimilarity. This is contrary to observed behavior in any species ever studied by scientists. The logical end of Diversity is not peaceful coexistence with everyone singing “Imagine” or “Kumbaya” over a campfire. The logical terminus is the destruction of the nuclear family since the family is the furtherance of one’s own genetics. A country, after all, is a family writ large; abolishing the border is therefore the equivalent of taking the door off your house and announcing to the world that you don’t care about your own offspring so everyone is welcome to move in, displace your children, and rob you blind.
Countries that protect their racial rural base – the source of its biological continuity – prosper and grow. Countries that adopt a so-called ‘civic nationalism’, i.e., inviting large numbers of hostile foreigners inside its gates, do not prosper. They suffer a permanent decline in living standards, confidence, trust, and respect for institutions, while crime and corruption and civil conflict skyrocket. Just as advanced countries grow under protectionism but decline under ‘libertarian’ free trade, white populations prosper behind strong borders that permit little non-white immigration but collapse under open borders with massive non-white immigration.
When a Nigerian immigrant or MS-13 gang member can walk into your house and demand the same financial, emotional, and economic benefits that you have provided to your own children at great sacrifice and expense, that is the next step in Diversity. That is happening today in Sweden, where a Muslim Pakistani migrant, Qaisar Mahmood, has been appointed head of the Swedish National Heritage Board, as the chief steward of Swedish culture and archaeology – which he and his Swedish colleagues have declared does not exist, that there is no Swedish culture just as Scotland’s new First Minister Humza Yousef has said the same for Scottish culture. Surprising statements to anthropologists the world over, who must be amazed that for the first time ever a society has been discovered that has no culture.
The next to last step in Diversity is to demand that families be entirely abolished, that children be removed from their parents and put in state facilities run by people not genetically related to them. One may be certain that such policies will be enforced only among white families since in societies run by the Cult only whites are Untouchables and only white society has no culture. This discrepancy will be explained as a ‘temporary’ and ‘prophylactic’ measure to prevent the emergence of the ultimate evil of ‘racism’, recalling that, in the PC Cult view, only whites can be racist.
The last step, however, as explained above, is not more half-measures, but the complete eradication of whites, with their ‘removal’ to. . . well, what’s the difference between a state facility where only white children go in and a state facility where no one comes out? Since there are no societies where whites are sovereign remaining anywhere in the world today outside of East Europe and Russia, and Russia is under perpetual warlike siege from the Cult-run United States, greatly amplified by the Ukraine conflict, whites can expect nothing for their children but one-way train trips to Inclusion-land under signs that proclaim ‘Diversity Makes You Free’.
The PC view of nature is also peculiarly feminine, just as the Cult as a whole is peculiarly feminine in its psychology. The Planet is always Mother Earth. The Earth is always being ‘raped’, just as women on college campuses are always being ‘raped’ by evil white males, even if the college resides next to a mostly black district and crime statistics show that it’s immigrant males or black college students or black males coming onto campus from the adjoining district who are doing any actual raping – it is noteworthy that there was never a problem with rape on any American campus until black males and immigrants began enrolling in significant numbers.
To find answers to these strange PC notions, one must look behind the facts to the Cult’s religious myths and ideology: Christians allegedly persecuted Jews because they killed Christ. The Woke PC Cult has turned this on its head: the Cult persecutes whites because they killed Mother Earth. In their view, the Earth has virtually died. A white cross is on its gravestone. The ‘twelve years’ of the Doomsday Clock when the Earth will finally flood or burn or otherwise expire under the onslaught of white male real estate developers and white male oil-drillers has passed and the Earth Mother has expired. But, like Old Testament women weeping over the dead nature-god Tammuz, we can reverse this result. We can rally to get the dead heart of Mother Earth beating again – if we can only get evil white males, with their sharp angular mathematics and their masculine penchant for facts and logic and standards, and their masculine eating of meat, to vanish in a time machine back to the 1950s, so the sacred Earth Mother can revive.
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