Category: Politics


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Your Friendly Neighborhood Cult

PC Cult – Chapter 10

Black upper class goes to lunch in Liberia

Overpopulation in Monrovia outskirts

As we all know, political free speech has ended in Britain. In August, 2021, Simon Sheppard, creator of the extraordinary website, was arrested by the UK police for the crime of distributing leaflets and incarcerated. He is not alone.

In 2016, 4 members of the National Action were convicted and imprisoned for 1 to 2 years for the crime of political leafleting.

In early 2023 podcaster James Allchurch (Sven Longshanks) was sentenced to two and a half years for "stirring up racial hatred" on his podcast.

In late 2023 James Costello was given a five-year sentence for publishing a website "alleged to contain racist themes pertaining to his religion..."

Also last year Kristofer Kearney of Patriotic Alternative was sentenced to over 4 years for "diseminating terrorist publications" for posting on Telegram.

And Sam Melia was sentenced in 2024 to 2 years in prison for distributing stickers with messages such as "White Lives Matter". SAM MELIA HAS BEEN FREED.

At this rate, anyone with an English surname in UK will end up in jail for "stirring up racial hatred" just by stating their name! Thank Providence the U.S. has not yet sunk to the level of Dark Age Europe.

Credit for this info belongs to Jim Goad at